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Saturday, June 11, 2011

hohOho~ i think i juz got a crush..

hahaha..lau pk2 pelik lak.. nape aku ada perasaan mcm tuh kat die..
dia kwn aku je kot.. tp npe bla bdepan ngn die ase panas je muka..haha..hmm tataw la..aku cuba pk da,npe aku mcm nie? tp aku  xjmpa siot pon ada..fenin ak pk.. aku bukak tnet pg nih..nie yg aku dpt..


Having a crush and liking them can be the same thing. You can like someone as a person or you can like them as a crush. Love is something different altogether, but the best definition I've found is this:
1 Corinthians 13:4-8
Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude. It does not demand its own way. It is not irritable, and it keeps no record of being wronged. It does not rejoice about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out. Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance. Prophecy and speaking in unknown languages and special knowledge will become useless. But love will last forever!
for me. there are many different things regarding 'love' and 'crush'...
i read a statement saying that if you are in front of the person you love your heat beat but when you are in front of the person you like you smile...
meaning love is deeper than like...
really a big difference...the only problem is it's hardf to detect if u love a person or u jst like him....
In front of the person you like, your heart beats faster.
But in front of the person you love, you get happy.

In front of the person you love, winter seems like spring.
But in front of the person you like, winter is just beautiful winter.

If you look into the eyes of the one you like, you blush.
But if you look into the eyes of the one you love, you smile.

In front of the person you like, you can't say everything on your mind.
But in front of the person you love, you can.

In front of the person you like, you tend to get shy.
But in front of the person you love, you can show your own self.

You can't look straight into the eyes of the one you like.
But you can always smile into the eyes of the one you love.

When the one you love is crying, you cry with them.
But when the one you like is crying, you end up comforting.

The feeling of love starts from the eye.
But the feeling of like starts from the ear.

So if you stop liking a person you used to like, all
you need to do is cover your ears.
But if you try to close your eyes, love turns into a
drop of tear and remains in your heart forever ...

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